Exciting news, The Chi's Sweet Cat or chi's sweet home series are now available for earphone jack plug accessory!
The Chi's Sweet Cat or chi's sweet home series iPhone Earphone Jack Plug was originally a draft of a japanese on the Twitter that he said,who can work it out.and this news have a strong response after his draft released out.Finally,Japanese accessory manufacturer Pink Company is releasing two sets of cat earphone jack covers in late July which are designed to keep dust out of the iPhone's exposed audio jack.
The Chi's Sweet Cat or chi's sweet home series iPhone Earphone Jack Plug, there are 9 members in this chi's sweet home in all and in 9 different lovely expressions, the happy and the smile Cheese Cat, the absence of mind chi's, the sad and the weeping Cheese Cat, the lovely coquetry one, the gloomy one, the pride one.